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                                 LAURA  DREXLER


AMPA is OSSTF's  Annual Parliament - Elect someone to Represent you and your issues



  • 13 years elected as an independent AMPA delegate

  • 3 times ran for OTF Governor advocating to save our pensions

  • Summer advocacy regarding  Teacher  benefits to include OTS

  • Networking with OTs in other districts to bring OT issues to be known to all Provincial Delegates



Elect more than just a passionate speaker;  elect  someone who will actually raise your issues provincially and fight for you. Elect someone who sees AMPA as a job to speak up for you. Someone who will actually raise your issues !


 I’m here for you sharing information, and supporting  you when you meet me in schools . Empower me to be your voice.  

What issues you want someone to stand up for at AMPA ?


Do you care that OTs may  not be eligible for benefits under the provincial plan.. especially if positions are cancelled after every Quad ? 


Do you want central table negotiations to consider the working conditions for  OTs ? 


Do you want fair hiring practices and the former Reg 274 to be highlighted as a concern that affects our  livelihood ?

Why should seniority matter only for permanent workers ?


Do you want your access to work protected ?


I am comfortable, confident and experienced standing up for OTs on the provincial stage.


I will do whatever I can to voice your concerns. 


I will stand up. 


I have the provincial experience representing OT 

interests, be it at CBC  Health and safety conferences,

or OSSTF Summer Leaderships.


OSSTF is comprised of  many educational workers unions, and some bargaining units represent teachers and OTs together.  All too often the concerns and interests of the OTs can be overlooked by such a  majority.


I understand the AMPA parliamentary format and what it  takes to speak up for you. I have authored and seconded motions,  and have been specifically asked by OT Delegates from other districts to support their motions and stand at the mic.


I attend the many votes, talk to leaders at breaks and during questioning periods. My evenings  at AMPA are spent networking with OTs from other locals and building communication and support networks.  Who else does that on their own unpaid?  (There is no time release for AMPA

for us as ordinary OT Delegates...  don't you want someone who will stand up for you regardless of that ?)


 Electing me to attend AMPA  again is giving me the chance to advocate for you, the OTs !

I see AMPA as a job - I am sent to represent you.


The voice of OTs need to be heard. We deserve to be considered, not simply in common with the voices of contract teachers. Someone needs to speak up. 


Who will you chose to represent you... will that person sit in silence or stand up  and voice your concerns ? 


Decisions made at the Annual Meeting shape the policies of OSSTF for years to come.  You need someone who advocates for you provincially about your concerns.


It's time someone stood up for OTs on issues…someone who cares about others.  That is me.  I will  speak up.

I have a history of speaking up provincially. OSSTF's provincial executive know who I am. I can get their ear to 

express your  concerns.  I am willing to voice your concerns... not all AMPA delegates do that or see it as their duty. 


I will ask  the tough  questions. I will bring forward your concerns.   I will represent you in the provincial assembly. 


Your voice matters. I have the track record of being here for you, the people I represent.


Your votes make a difference. You are giving people the right to speak for you.


Choose someone who will do just that  stand up and advocate for  you.. Let me Laura Drexler be your voice.   


Speech points


  • Who stands up for you ?

  • OTs from other districts sought out me,   (the candidate with the highest number of votes that didn’t get elected to OTBU executive)  -   for  answers regarding benefits

  • Who is there when you ask for help in schools or need answers when OSSTF doesn’t reply

  • I see AMPA as a job, not a party

  • We need someone with the ability to speak up regarding benefits – did you know other districts have OTS and  LTOs in the provincial benefit plan ? Nothing in the central table language prevents Toronto LTOs from being in it.

  • Advocacy for  provincial OSSTF to support  ALL  Reg 274 grievances - we should still be compensated for violations, lost employment retroactcively.

  • ​

  • You want a delegate who actually goes to the mic  and speaks at AMPA; someone who talks about your concerns


  • AMPA 2021 is an election year.. why not an elect a delegate who asks questions of the candidates and will vote in YOUR  best interest. 


  • Questions   ?   Feel free  to call me  after school hours - 3pm . onwards     289 851 8402     email


  • Why not vote for an AMPA delegate who is accessible to you ?







  • We candidates have yet to be told how voting will work for AMPA delegates .. no one knows how long voting is open.    We do know you will need to be able to access your OSSTF account  



  • Please try to access your account in advance - we don't know if OSSTF support for accounts and voting will be available online Dec 9th during the meeting

  • So please call OSSTF  in advance   416-751-8300 in the GTA or 1-800-267-7867   to make sure you can vote


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